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1 x 200 shot screeching claws 2 x 25 shot falcons rise 1 x 25 shot blades revenge 1 x 25 shot night vision 1 x 19 shot glowing lanterns 1 x 19 shot Drax’s Destruction 1 x 19 shot Wicked Wanda 1 x 16 shot cages eruption 1 x 13 shot Killmonger 1 x 12 shot White Tiger Over 398 shots in total with effects such as the 200 whistling & crackling missiles of the screechng claws, the rime of the killmonger exploding & the beauty of the falcons rise & white tiger. Top of the list must be the awesome 19 shot drax’s destruction, the tubes on this cake are the maximum size we can legally go in order to produce these stunning brocade effects.


£249.99 Regular Price
£124.99Sale Price
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